Powerful Algaecide.
Algae Remover contains high effective formula for controlling algae.
- ALGAE REMOVER contains high effective formula for removing algae. The common brown algae, filament algae and other nuisance algae can be elmínated quickly with no harm to fish and plant after using this product. Use half amount of ALGAE REMOVER in regular can prevent the algae occurring or algae spores dispersing and assure the clear water condition.
- Add 10ml (a full cap) of ALGAE REMOVER to 25 liters of water and change half of aquarium water after two days.
- Different treatment needed to remove individual algae:
A. For green filament algae: it takes 1 to 2 times at applying above step 1. The algae will disappear fast.
B. For green hair algae: it takes 2 to 3 times at applying above step 1. The algae will melt and disappear.
C. For black hair algae: it takes 3 to 5 times at applying above step 1. The algae will turn white and drop then melt in water. - Too much dead algae from using ALGAE REMOVER may cause the insufficient dissolved oxygen in water, please make aeration and use BACZYME simultaneously to assure the safe water condition.
- Freshwater use only.
- Keep out of reach of children.