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[EIHO] ICH Ex for White Spot, Ick, Ich Treatment (Safe for Shrimp and Planted Tank)

[EIHO] ICH Ex for White Spot, Ick, Ich Treatment (Safe for Shrimp and Planted Tank)

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Treat white spot disease

White spot disease is commonly faced by hobbyist. White spot disease can infected the whole population of fishes in the aquaria. In planted aquaria, it can be difficult to add common Anti White spot medication, as it contains harmful chemical such as copper or malachite green. These harmful chemicals can kill sensitive fishes, shrimps and affect beneficial bacteria

We have been using EIHO ICH-EX to cure and reduce white spot disease outbreak in our planted aquaria.  


  • Cures white spot disease safely
  • Contain no harmful chemical such as copper or malachite green.
  • ICH-EX is effective against resistant strains of ich / white spot disease.
  • Cure Marine white spot cause by Cryptocaryon irritation.
  • Does not dye aquarium water.
  • Safe for planted aquarium, shrimps, corys and pleco (scaleless fish).
  • Does not affect beneficial bacteria

How to use

5ml for 25L of water

Usually 1 treatment is sufficient. For resistant case of ich infection, please repeat treatment after every 3 days (with 25% water change), for a maximum duration of 14 days.

Remove activated carbon during treatment for best effect