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[Chihiros] Nano CO2 Diffuser (Tiny/S/M/L)
[Chihiros] Nano CO2 Diffuser (Tiny/S/M/L)
[Chihiros] Nano CO2 Diffuser (Tiny/S/M/L)

[Chihiros] Nano CO2 Diffuser (Tiny/S/M/L)

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Finer micro bubbles.


Various sizes available (see below) for tanks ranging from 20L up to 250L.

  • Micro-porous ceramic stone produces ultra-fine bubbles.
  • Microbubbles will last longer in the water, increasing their dioxide solubility efficiency.
  • Unique ceramic stone and acrylic bonding technologies that are durable enough to withstand the CO2 system's high pressure.
  • Compact and lightweight design.
  • CO2 is key to photosynthesis and a healthy planted aquarium.


• Nano CO2 Diffuser Tiny (For tanks under 50L). Diameter: Ø11mm

• Nano CO2 Diffuser S (For tanks under 100L). Diameter: Ø13mm

• Nano CO2 Diffuser M (For tanks 100-200L). Diameter: Ø17mm

• Nano CO2 Diffuser L (For tanks above 200L). Diameter: Ø23mm